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CIO Magazine: Getting a Handle on Marketing Technology

Posted in:  Highspot News, Sales and Marketing Management

Interesting article from Tom Kaneshige at CIO magazine highlighting Highspot and how we score content based on its performance in the sales cycle.

Highspot: Every marketing tech conference will have a theme on content, whether it’s creating original content, aggregating content or amplifying earned content. Highspot, which recently raised $9.6 million in a Series A round, has built a content-scoring engine. It looks at a company’s marketing collateral, such as PowerPoint slides, case studies, data sheets, brochures, call scripts and battle cards, and analyzes how well they performed.

Judging and scoring a piece of content’s performance is tricky, because it’s unclear what the content’s role might have played in, say, a sale.

“This attribution problem is real,” says Highspot co-founder and CEO Robert Wahbe. “One of the ways we try to solve this is to shorten the time horizon. Did this brochure help close a 9-month deal? Hard to say. But did this brochure move to a conversation or proof-of-concept? That’s better.”

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