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Announcing Email Integration with Microsoft Outlook and Automatic Language Filtering

Posted in:  Highspot News

At Highspot, we’re committed to continual product updates and enhancements in our quest to make sales reps’ jobs more effective and efficient. Last month, I shared that the Highspot Sales Enablement solution now offers inline editing within Microsoft Office 365,  and today I’m excited to unveil two more important product advances: Integration with Microsoft Outlook and automatic content filtering by language based on machine learning capabilities.

The Outlook integration is a “best of both worlds” scenario, as sellers now have the option to decide if they’d like to send content directly from Highspot’s sales content management system or from their corporate email client.

No matter which option is selected, users will receive alerts when recipients open attached content and when content is shared and opened by others. All of the familiar advanced customer activity dashboards and in-depth analytics on content performance remain the same regardless of content distribution source—including usage, customer engagement, and influence on revenue—so the choice simply comes down to a workstyle preference.

To get the new Outlook integration, Highspot users can go to their account settings within Highspot and download the add-in from the apps section.

An additional platform update includes automatic filtering by language for all content. For global sales organizations, multi-language support is critical. Highspot already leads the industry in support for multiple languages and language-specific semantic search, making it easy for worldwide teams to find the content they need.

Our deep roots in Machine Learning let us offer something no other platform can—the ability to provide language filtering without manual tagging of each piece of content. When applied across an organization’s entire content library, this capability saves an enormous amount of time and helps prevent tagging errors. The system knows the language inherently, allowing Highspot users to search and browse results by language, or create a globlal setting to only show languages they want to see, so they never see content that isn’t in their preferred language. You don’t have to take any action for this feature to go into effect, it’s working in the background already for 20 of the most common languages including English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, and more.

To learn more, check out the Highspot in Action product demo video or contact us for a live demo.