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Infographic: What’s the ROI on SKO?

Posted in:  Sales and Marketing Management, Sales Training, Coaching, and Onboarding

You’ve done your annual company sales kickoff. There was sales training, product training, dynamic speakers, team-building social events, food, frivolity — maybe there was even a little roleplaying to practice those newly formed sales skills. But here’s the question: was it a total waste of time and money? Was it just an excuse to schmooze?

The typical AE spends 2.7 years on the job* and takes 4.7 months to ramp — often more. So, it’s essential to do something to train and keep that AE on track to retire quota. If you’re wondering what the return is on your investment in SKO every year, you’re not alone.

You’re probably well aware that in-person multi-day training events, particularly when your field sales team is geographically dispersed, are very expensive. Is SKO worth it? We did research about SKOs and paired this with information on what today’s modern sales enablement teams are doing to drive greater value from SKO. This infographic shows what we’ve found.

Infographic: Is there an ROI on SKO?

*Source: The Bridge Group