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Highspot Partners with Box to Build Better Enterprise Apps for Sales Enablement

Posted in:  Highspot News

Both Box and Highspot published press releases today announcing formal partnership and greater integration of our products.

Highspot’s press release

Box’s press release

We’re excited to work with Box as a company that shares some of our core product philosophy. Box is growing like mad and expanding aggressively into the enterprise. Enterprise customers are waking up to the benefits of adopting “new age,” consumer-inspired, cloud applications as a way to improve their business performance.

Highspot was built on this same premise: That by-in-large, enterprise businesses run on outdated technology that isn’t keeping up with the UX expectations of consumers, and that well-designed, flexible, data science-driven applications will have a transformative effect on business productivity. We saw it first with, and more recently with companies like Box, Concur, Hubspot, Zuora, Zendesk and many others.

We’re excited for this revolution, and excited to work with many leaders in the industry to create better, more integrated solutions for our customers.

By the way, apparently Eric Schmidt agrees with me.

I invite you to read the press release, but in short, we’re doing everything we can to make our integration with Box as seamless to the end user as possible. Our integration points include:

  • Box files can be uploaded directly into Highspot through our application
  • Files versioned in Box can be automatically updated in Highspot
  • Highspot leverages Box View to display and preview content
  • Highspot supports Single Sign-on (SSO) with Box for seamless user experience

With this integration, enterprise Box customers can use Box as their authoritative content platform and extend Box’s functionality with Highspot as their Sales Enablement platform for sales content management, sales pitching and content performance analytics.