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Quarterly Customer Awards: They Love Us, They Really Love Us!

Posted in:  Highspot News

We are back again with our Quarterly Customer Awards! Every quarter we pull the latest stats from the Highspot platform to highlight the customers who have been crushing it. From sales to marketing to sales enablement, it’s great to know that the customers we love love us right back!

As much as this is a celebration for the winners of the past quarter, it’s also a big win for us. With more than 120% net retention and zero customer churn, customers are at the core of everything we do — and we’re keeping it that way.

#HighspotLovesReps Awards



Highspot All Star—All Pitches
Our power pitcher for the quarter loves our pitching capability! She has sent out the most pitches from the Highspot platform across all pitching types.
Jennifer Horton, Business Development, Symmetry Corp

Highspot All Star—Outlook Pitches
This pitcher used our integration to pitch straight from Outlook. The only thing better than having Highspot is having Highspot work where you work!
Nicolas Burnell, Business Development Representative, eSentire

Highspot All Star—Gmail Pitches
No need to switch between tools — this pitcher used our integration with Google to send pitches straight from Gmail.
April Risberg, Account Manager, Kaplan

Highspot All Star—Live Pitches
This seller was a pitching machine! He had the most live pitches via ScreenShare and SlideCast this quarter.
Tyler Fish, Senior Account Executive, Impact Radius




Highspot Bestselling Author—Most Content Viewed
There’s good content, and then there’s great content. This bestselling author had the most-viewed content on the platform this quarter.
Doug Case, Sales Enablement Manager, ERT

“Some of the early feedback from sales reps was that they love how easy it is to find and browse content.”
—Doug Case, Sales Enablement Manager, ERT




Highspot Top Enabler—Dedication
This award goes to the Highspot admin that spent the most time on the platform this quarter. Kudos for your dedication!
Indy Rhodes, Red Hat

Highspot Top Enabler—Spot Ownership
Got Spots? This enabler certainly does! This award goes to the Highspot admin who owns the most Spots.
Ilana Finkel, Sr. Manager, Business Strategy & Operations, Applause

Highspot New Enabler—Quickest Ramp
This award goes out to our newest customer on the block, and the quickest to get up to speed. Welcome to the Highspot crew, and kudos for getting up and running so quickly!
Thomas Benning, Technical Sales Enablement Manager, MongoDB

Highspot Top Enabler —Channel Champs
This award goes to the company that uses Highspot not just to enable their sellers but to enable their channel, as well. Checkmarx usesHighspot to deliver the latest and greatest content to their partners.
Jason Cohen, Director of Enablement & Zack Bentolila, Sales Enablement & Training Development at Checkmarx

“We started using Highspot internally, and very quickly there was a demand to use Highspot for partners. So, we started small with just 10 partners, and we’ve increased the numbers more and more.”
—Zack Bentolila, Sales Enablement & Training Development at Checkmarx

Highspot Top Enabler—Guidance
This award goes to the sales enablement pro who has built an innovative page for guiding sales reps to the content they need on the Highspot platform.
Karishma Patel, Global Sales & Marketing Operations, Twitter

“Honestly, I feel like Highspot is the best sales enablement solution out there. It enables the sales team to find the content that they’re looking for and pitch it out directly in a matter of 30 seconds. It really creates an effective process from end-to-end.”
-Karishma Patel, Global Sales & Marketing Operations, Twitter

All of our winners will receive a special gift, so be on the lookout for a congratulations package coming your way!

We update these awards quarterly, so keep pitching, publishing, and enabling, and you may see your name listed next time!