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Customer Love Fuels Record Growth

Posted in:  Highspot News

At Highspot, our mission is to create breakthrough products that transform the way millions of people work. Our focus is to deliver exceptional customer experiences at every turn. How do we accomplish that? By building beautifully designed software with a spark of magic.

Why have companies like Amazon, Twitter, Snap, NVIDIA, Aetna, Workday, Twillio, and many more started a relationship with Highspot? 

  • Sales reps love using Highspot on a daily basis to save selling time and effectively engage with buyers through any channel. That’s why #RepsLoveHighspot!
  • Sales enablement teams love how easy it is to create guided experiences for their reps so content and guidance go hand-in-hand.
  • Sales leaders and CROs love watching sales productivity and quota attainment skyrocket.
  • Marketing teams love watching their go-to-market strategies land, their content get used effectively, and lead conversion to accelerate.

We’re thrilled that more and more companies want to be a part of the success and #WinWithHighspot.

To this end, we recently celebrated Q1 with record-breaking results:

  • Highest number of new customers to Highspot (in total representing over $1.5T in market capitalization)
  • 5x all-up quarter-over-quarter revenue growth and 10x with Enterprise companies
  • Tens of thousands of new modern sellers successfully adopted the Highspot platform
  • More than 120% net retention and zero customers have churned

We know that customer love can’t be bought — it must be earned — and we work hard to earn it every single day, 24 x 7 x 365.