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Highspot + Slack: Leverage Highspot Without Leaving the Conversation

Posted in: Highspot News

At Highspot, we obsess over inventing innovative ways to make sales and marketing teams more efficient. From leveraging our unique content management approach to Highspot Everywhere’s 50+ integrations, customers gain back hours every week.

That brings us to why we’re particularly excited about being the first sales enablement platform with a Slack integration – it goes right to the heart of our obsession around efficiency. With Highspot’s Slack integration, marketers and sellers save time by using Highspot’s capabilities from directly within Slack.

Let’s take a closer look at how Slack and Highspot can uplevel your efficiency:

Stay in the Conversation While You Search

Highspot’s AI-powered semantic search is now available from within Slack via a simple “/highspot” command. Now, when a fellow sales rep asks you for the presentation that helped close your last deal, you can locate it with ease. Or, as a marketer, you can fulfil an urgent sales ask by finding the perfect piece of content – all without ever leaving the conversation.

Seamlessly Share Content with Context

With a single click, you can post any piece of content to a channel or in a direct message. The best part: Highspot presents the content alongside key metadata, such as the content title, description, rating, and even a thumbnail preview.

Don’t Miss a Beat with Notifications

Ensure you’re on top of it by sending critical Highspot alerts directly to Slack. As a seller, you’re instantly notified when a prospect opens an email or engages with content. Or, as a content owner, you can immediately respond to requests for access or content feedback.

get highspot notifications in slack

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Not yet using Highspot? Learn more about how Highspot + Slack enable your sales and marketing teams to efficiently win more deals by scheduling a free demo.