Sales Onboarding: The Key to Unlocking More Revenue

Today’s buyers are more informed and more demanding than ever. They expect sales reps to be ready at a moment’s notice with valuable insights and subject matter expertise. But before new reps can confidently navigate these conversations, they have to be equipped with the proper training and tools. If not, buyers will choose to buy from better-equipped competitors and top sales talent will quickly find other opportunities with organizations that arm them with the tools they need to succeed.

Sales onboarding is one of the single most important factors contributing to sales organizations’ success. Here’s why:

  • Sales onboarding increases new rep productivity: Organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 54% greater new hire productivity.
  • Onboarding moves the needle: Sales onboarding can improve win rates by 14% and quota attainment by 6.6%.
  • Training is an investment worth making: For every dollar a company invests in training, they receive about $4.53 in return. That is a 353% ROI.
  • Sales onboarding helps retain top talent: 69% of employees are more likely to stay with an organization for at least 3 years after receiving a great onboarding experience.

Discover why traditional onboarding is broken and how modern onboarding propels sales effectiveness in Sales Onboarding: The Key to Unlocking More Revenue. With the insights, data, and actionable steps in this eBook, you’ll have the blueprint you need to build strong sales onboarding that shortens ramp-up time, boosts quota attainment, and improves retention of new sales reps across the organization.

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