Webinar: SMA Modern Buyer

On average, 57% of the modern buyer’s journey has already taken place before they interact with a seller. Prospective customers can now go online and easily read reviews, comparing your product or service to those of your competitors. As a seller, you’re no longer the go-to source of information, and buyers don’t want general facts — they’re looking for a customized sales experience that will help them make the best decision for their business.

With endless options available, buyers have no problem finding companies to work with. But they don’t want to be sold to — they want to be guided, and they have a strong preference to buy from sellers offering valuable information that helps them make their purchase decision.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Set your sellers apart
  • Guide your buyer to your business
  • Leverage content to educate and empower your buyers
  • Accelerate with sales enablement

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