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Fall 2019: Top 7 Sales & Marketing Events

Posted in:  Highspot News, Sales and Marketing Management

Have you ever purchased a $2,000 event ticket and flown across the country in pursuit of new learnings — only to find yourself trapped in a windowless conference room nodding off to outdated material? If so, you’re not alone.

There are good conferences, and there are “why am I here” conferences. When these events cost both time and money, how can you ensure you’re making a wise investment?

Let this guide be a beacon — we’ve included a list of the fall events we’ve chosen to attend, from the US to the UK. Between new research shared by the experts to networking hours with the best and brightest, these events are not only worth the jet lag, but will leave you feeling reinvigorated and inspired.

Product Marketing Summit

When: 17th–18th September
Where: San Francisco, CA

Sixty speakers, more than 600 attendees, and 350 companies is just the beginning — Product Marketing Summit is the largest gathering of product marketers in the world. Bringing together expertise from some of the world’s biggest companies, this event focuses on helping modern marketers understand how to engage, convert, and retain customers in an increasingly competitive market.

While you’re there, don’t miss our CEO Robert Wahbe’s keynote, “The Enablement Imperative,” where he will discuss the three new pillars of product marketing success.

Gartner CSO & Sales Leadership Conference 2019

When: 17th–20th September
Where: Las Vegas, NV

For sales leaders, Gartner CSO & Sales Leadership Conference 2019 is your chance to get actionable insights tailored to sales priorities. From practical tools, methodologies, and frameworks to analyst research, attend this event to connect with and learn from experts and your peers.

Be sure not to miss Gartner Senior Research Director Michele Buckley’s talk “Innovative Examples of Sales Enablement Driving Double Digit Results,” Brainshark’s session “Using Video and AI to Scale Sales Coaching,” and our roundtable discussion “The Business Case for Sales Enablement.”

SiriusDecisions Summit Europe

When: 10th–11th October
Where: London, United Kingdom

SiriusDecisions Summit Europe combines analyst expertise with real-world customer success examples. This year’s focus on aligning the B2B revenue engine promises to deliver actionable frameworks and solutions to your sales and marketing sticking points.

Wondering how to drive results with your sales technology stack or understand the various levels of content customisation? Various sessions will address these questions and more hot topics to inform your strategy.

2019 SES Annual Conference

When: 16th–18th October
Where: San Antonio, TX

Calling all sales enablement professionals — this highly specialised, enablement-first agenda ensures that you’ll walk away with guidance on how to best initiate, implement, and improve your sales enablement program.

Highlights include sales enablement research from Forrester Service Director of Sales Enablement Strategies Heather Cole, a session on data-driven sales coaching from SAP’s VP of Sales Coaching Mark Crofton, and a talk on the effect of digital transformation by Salesforce’s Customer Growth and Innovation Evangelist Taffani Bova.

MarTech Festival 2019

When: 30th October
Where: London, United Kingdom

MarTech Festival is the “anti-conference” conference. If you can only leave work for one day, going to this conference would be a great use of time — with more than 600 marketers from leading companies, you’ll be able to talk tech stack, strategy, and automation with the best in a truly unique environment (an all-day DJ and beers with your peers, anyone?).

Keep a sharp lookout for our EMEA team in attendance — we’ll be handing out Highspot swag and chatting about all things sales enablement.

Sales Enablement Soirée 2019

When: 21st November
Where: San Francisco, CA

We may be biased — but this is the number one event we look forward to every year. The Sales Enablement Soirée is the largest event exclusively focused on sales enablement at Dreamforce. It originally began as a way to unite and encourage networking, and has grown to an event that draws thousands of attendees across three major cities spanning two continents.

In a rapidly changing business landscape, this is your opportunity to meet with like-minded practitioners and industry thought-leaders in a casual, no-questions-barred environment. Interested in attending, sponsoring, or speaking at the event? Go here for more information.

National Sales Conference 2019

When: 27th–28th November
Where: Kent, United Kingdom

This conference is your chance to connect with sales leadership experts. Tight focus on C-level sales priorities means that you’ll leave with insights directly aligned to your key initiatives. The “Modern Selling Stream” day in particular will cover critical topics such as customer engagement and improving quota attainment.

Conferences come in all different flavours — look to find an event that maps to your goals. If you find yourself at one of the above, connect with us on LinkedIn for live updates, recaps, and more.