Evaluation Tool for Sales Enablement

Sales-Enablement-Evaluation-Tool-DeviceThis tool will help you and your team evaluate sales enablement tools and software. The right sales enablement platform can close the loop across marketing, sales, and the customer and deliver visibility and insights that drive engagement, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

In today’s marketplace there are an increasing number of vendors with similar marketing messages. In practice vendors have significantly different strengths and weaknesses. While reviewing vendor product sheets is a good way to get started, ultimately you will want to dive deeper in to the relative performance of each feature important to your team. Beyond any particular feature, ease-of-use is an important consideration as the platform will only be successful if adopted by your sales team. With a systematic approach to evaluating vendors important differences can be identified and you can determine the best fit for your organisation.

In particular, this Evaluation Tool for Sales Enablement Platforms will help you:

  • Identify the priority of individual capabilities for your business
  • Document the strength of each capability for each vendor under consideration
  • Provide vendor scores based on your capability assessment weighted by importance to your business

Of course, this evaluation tool is only one of many techniques that can be employed to determine the best platform for your organisation. Tools to use in your evaluation include:

  • Evaluation tool for sales enablement platforms (this tool)
  • Product demonstrations
  • Case studies and customer references
  • Proof of concepts

Product Demonstrations

  • Beyond marketing materials, demonstrations are a good way to get a broad sense of each platform’s capabilities
  • If you have scenarios identified, ask each vendor to explicitly walk you through how your scenario will work in their platform

Case Studies and Customer References

  • Ask each vendor for case studies
  • For larger deployments, you should ask each vendor for contacts with existing customers

Proof of Concepts

  • For larger or more complex deployments consider deploying a proof of concept. A proof of concept creates an instance in your environment with your content. It provides an effective way to put the platform through its paces and get feedback directly from some of your intended users.

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